Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Foreskin Restoration Project Intro:

Hello. I am an anonymous user trying to help the foreskin restoration community by offering my own methods for restoring. 

Background: I was circumcised at birth like most American boys are but became very depressed about the fact. The doctor who did my surgery amputated a large amount of my penile skin and left a nasty scar. I decided to try and restore my foreskin at the age of 19, hoping that I would one day have a natural looking penis. I started out by trying the TLC tugger and TLC-X but neither of them would work for me since I had so little skin left. I then tried the canister/tape method which worked some of the time, but I was displeased with the failure rate of the tape. That's when I decided to try and manufacture my own restoration device. The result is a hybrid type device using tape and tension similar to how the TLC-X works. The device is made out of PVC pipe and fittings and can either use a set screw or rubber bands to keep tension. 

  • Ability to use higher tension without tape slipping
  • No straps
  • Ability to urinate. 
  • Costs less than commercial devices
  • "industrial grade" parts and very durable
  • Ability to Customize
  • Requires tools to make
  • cannot be used overnight
  • requires knowledge of tools/building stuff
In the next post, I will provide photos and a guide to making your own device.

If you have questions, e-mail me at gcm0285 (at)

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