All methods:
1. Sand off all text and imperfections on the parts.
2. Keep strapless devices in place with a good sized rubber band around your leg.
3. Use a reverse tension to concentrate the tension on the skin (see my other post on this)
4. Make sure the tape is tight. This will help to prevent the tape from failing. This is why I suggest using both types of tape since KT tape is stretchy.
5. If using a pusher device, use some aquaphor or vaseline to keep the skin healthy.
6. Clean the device with soap and water before each use.
7. Try to wear loose fitting pants and underwear.
8. Urinate sitting down if using a pusher method.
9. If the KT tape is too strong, try mefix tape. It is sold by Ron of and on Amazon. You could also reduce the adhesive by putting the tape on your leg aand taking it off a couple of times before applying it
Strap/canister method suggestions:
1. Place the clamp so that the screw part of it doesn't dig into your leg
2. Try several different methods for wrapping the strap around your leg.
3. Distribute the strap evenly around your leg to help with circulation.
4. Use an knee athletic brace to help keep the strap from leaving marks on your skin
Set screw method:
1. Place the coupling so that the screw is in an easily accessible place.
2. Make sure that the hole for the screw is tight enough to keep the screw securely in place
3. Use a larger rubber band around your leg to help keep the device in place.
Rubber band method:
1. Use file bands for tension. These are available at office supply stores
2. To increase tension slightly, wrap the rubber band around the screw a few times and attach the end to the clamp.
3. If the rubber band breaks, you're using too much tension and/or too thin of a band.
4. Try to use a larger rubber band. This way you'll have more options to adjust tension.
5. Use a larger thin band to keep the device in place; around the leg and then around the device.
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